عکس روز نشنال جئوگرافی

غار یخی

کد خبر : 69124
تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 4 فروردین 1397 - 9:11



 پایگاه خبری “ججین




پایگاه خبر ججین


MARCH 24, 2018    ICE CAVES

Every year, runoff and debris from Big Four Mountain in Washington state combine to form intricate and unpredictable ice caves. “Every year, they melt and expand, twist or contract, creating an entirely different scene from the year before,” explains Your Shot photographer Michael Gribbin. “The jagged edges at the beginning of the caves reminded me of sharp teeth, making me feel as if I were in the mouth of a beast, waiting for the perfect moment to devour us.”









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